Animals Need Me is the first association for animal protection to be located in the city of Shkodra (Albania). Since its establishment in 2012, they aim to rescue, foster, treat, sterilize, vaccinate and adopt as many dogs and cats as possible in their county, including the education of fellow citizens on this issue. All the work is done by passionate volunteers who sacrifice a lot to accomplish their mission.

However, a misfortune beyond all expectations has recently occurred to them.

Their foster house in Kuç has been recently flooded. You cannot imagine the effort of two of the volunteers to access the house and evacuate all the animals.

Due to the high water level, cars were completely unable to use so each dog was carried on the arm by ANM volunteers, Diti and Helio. A minimum of 15 minutes was required for each dog.

Dog being rescued from the shelter that has been destroyed by flood
Animals Need Me

Likewise, the family has been evacuated by the army and is waiting to be accommodated in the dormitory by the civil emergency headquarters. Thankfully, they are all safe and sound.

A family has been saved by the army during unexpected flood
Animals Need Me

All the pet huts in the foster house in Kuç are now completely destroyed and covered by water. Adult dogs have been transferred to the shelter which is out of danger and we are currently lacking kennels. Puppies and cats are in the veterinary clinic where they are being dried and fed by the volunteers.

Fortunately, 14 adult dogs, 4 puppies and 10 cats were saved.

Wet kitty after witnessing a terrible flood
Animals Need Me

“Severe climatic conditions expose problems and require the joining of forces to provide a quick solution. We can no longer face this unexpected situation all by ourselves,” say the volunteers of Animals Need Me, on their Facebook page.

Terrible weather conditions caused one of the premises where several dogs and cats were sheltered to be completely flooded by the rain, thus causing the immediate evacuation of all the animals that were fostered there.

Home to many rescue animals has been destroyed due to unexpected flood
Animals Need Me

Some puppies and dogs were sent to the clinic, and some others to the shelter. Even though the shelter was overflowing with dogs and puppies, they were welcomed so peacefully by the ones that have been staying there longer; a very surprising occurrence.

In an interview for Animals Fluencer, the president of the organization, Oli Pero, states that:

  • Currently, there are 140 dogs and cats in the shelter. 75 dogs live in shelters, 44 animals are in foster families, while the rest are sick animals and are hospitalized in clinics.
Shelter becomes home of numerous dogs
Animals Need Me

Animals Need Me ensures the adoption of 130-150 animals every year. About 60% of our animals are adopted across Albania borders, this is because adoptions in Albania are few and far between.

Rescue dog being surrounded by love and care
Animals Need Me

“The chances that the dogs will return to our shelter or be abandoned by albanian families are relatively high. In this way, our tireless work goes in vain. However, we try hard to sensitize people about the needs and conditions of keeping animals during the adoption process.”

Animals Need Me volunteers rescue about 300-350 dogs and cats per year. There are periods that are particularly challenging, such as April and October when most owners end up abandoning their unsterilized kittens and puppies.

Puppies that have been rescued recently from a serious flooding
Animals Need Me

Abandonment is one of the main sources of the presence of stray animals in Albania. It often happens that trash bags full of newborn kittens are found on the streets of Shkodra or among garbage bins. This indicates a low level of awareness on the part of citizens.

At the moment, they are in great need of volunteers and food for the animals currently staying in the shelter, the ones that are in host families and those that are regularly fed on the streets of the city. What is more, any little contribution will go for the restoration of the foster house in Kuç.

Would you consider making a donation?

Puppies witness an unexpected flooding but are saved just in time by the volunteers
Animals Need Me

If you would very much appreciate the opportunity to, you can donate via paypal or contact Animals Need Me at the email address:

You can also visit their website:


Instagram: animalsneedme

Facebook: Animals Need Me

We are grateful towards all the support you can give! Don’t hesitate to share this story with your loved ones.

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