The life of older puppies is not easy at all. They tend to be the least likely to be adopted and are often left unattended by their own families . Fortunately, there are organizations like Project Mr. Mo is responsible for providing these poodles with all the help they need.

The Hughes family likes to open their doors to as many puppies as possible and they always make sure they come from the organization. One of them is the beautiful Gremlin . He always behaved like a very playful and energetic puppy, but things changed when he started having some vision problems.

Blind dog
Dr. Petra Lackner

Gremlin started having trouble seeing when he was 12 years old.

The vet discovered that it was cataracts . Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy and eventually lead to complete blindness. As Gremlin’s case progressed, the poor pup ran into the wall, scared every time someone approached and wouldn’t even play with other dogs.

Gremlin lives with eight other furry brothers.

Shelter with dogs
Dr. Petra Lackner

Chirs and Mariesa knew they had to take action. They met with a veterinary ophthalmologist and prepared everything for surgery . But poor Gremlin seemed to see worse and worse. A test revealed that the furry boy had suffered a lot of pressure on his optic nerves and would need to wear contact lenses.

The contact lenses Gremlin needed cost just over $400.

This solution could be very expensive , especially for a family that was responsible for so many older puppies. Dr. Petra Lackner didn’t want to give up and she decided to try human contact lenses. They were much cheaper than those made for puppies but it was worth trying to help Gremlin. The result was wonderful.

“She was willing to try anything that would improve her quality of life,” Dr. Lackner said.

Dog after eye surgery
Dr. Petra Lackner

As soon as the sweet puppy was fitted with glasses , his life seemed to change completely . He began to walk much more confidently throughout the house. He looked extremely relieved not to keep running into the walls and was even able to drink water from his dish without leaving a huge mess.

“When Gremlin looked at us, we all had tears in our eyes. It was like seeing him come out of the dark”, celebrated his owner.

It is a very sad reality to face but there are many dogs that do not have the same luck as Gremlin. Many older furry dogs face the danger of being euthanized simply because no one is willing to give them a chance. The cute Gremlin is a clear sign that they still have a lot of love to give and deserve our help.

Dog rescued from eyesight
Dr. Petra Lackner

Don’t hesitate to adopt a larger puppy. You can help them finally receive a final few years filled with joy and love. Repost!

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