Winter is an extremely dangerous time of year for feral cats like Sven. A Good Samaritan found Sven, an orange tabby, frozen in the snow in the Marengo, IL, area. (Northwest of Chicago). The kitty was of undetermined age and survived but was badly frostbitten.
When the kind person found Sven, they took him to the Emergency Room, but due to snow, it was closed! They then took the kitty to Animal Control, and fortunately, they took Sven to the veterinarian. Rescuers from Animal Services and Assistance Programs, Inc. (ASAP) shared Sven’s story on their Facebook page to ask for help for Sven.
“He is feral but deserves a chance. [His] body temp was 94° got him warmed at our great vet Pet Vet Animal Clinic and Mobile Practice, Lte but is inconsistent. Not sure how old he is. If anyone can pull him, through, they can.”
He would require extensive veterinary care and time to recover. But this kitty has a strong will to live. At the vet, the staff and doctor went above and beyond to save Sven. Wonderfully, Dr. Shalini took Sven home to ensure he could make it through the night. In an update, ASAP shared the good news for Sven and commended the vets for an awesome job.
Sven is still hanging in there! His temperature is up and down. He actually stood up and used the litterbox. He’s on lasix to help with fluids on his heart. He went home with Dr. Shalini last night because he was touch and go and gave her some purrs. The love and care that the doctors and staff give to clients is beyond amazing.
As a result of all the care, Sven improved, and his kidney values improved. But he was still having trouble regulating his body temperature, and the vet was concerned about his heart. However, he ate some food, a great indicator he just might survive. In another update, we see that Sven has wilfully survived.
Now he’s moving around, using the litter box, and regulating his temperature. Even better, they say he has a strong appetite, which is a great sign indeed. Despite on how he looks Sven is hanging in there! His temperature is holding and he has a big appetite. It sounds crazy, but we are so excited he was mobile and used the litterbox to P & P,” they shared.
If you would like to help Sven, there are some easy ways, like sharing this article, commenting on the post, sharing the post by ASAP, and donating to help fund his recovery on Facebook. It’s unfortunate that the costs to save cats like Sven are generally high, and it’s always a challenge to raise funds to cover the expenses. So it takes a village to save each life.