Our society is not capable enough of demanding justice for mistreated animals. It is in our hands to make a difference.
The real actions full of mercy and that make a remarkable change not only in the lives of the most vulnerable animals, but in the whole society.
Fortunately, there are many people who dedicate themselves body and soul to carrying out this type of action. One such group is DAR Animal Rescue , which is constantly out on the streets saving as many pooches as possible.
Recently, a small puppy was rescued who was hiding under a bank full of debris. Poorly covered in mud and very scared, she needed help; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to survive on her own.
DAR Animal Rescue arrived at the scene after several people published on their networks about the state the poor dog was in. The volunteer wrapped her in a blanket, took her in her hands, put her in the car and took her to the vet.
Her heartbreaking fate began to change. The veterinarian indicated that the puppy’s health status was delicate. Dog was plagued by ticks that had caused an infection in her blood. The puppy also had an infection in her eyes and was underweight.
Malnourished and weak, unable to stand on her own, her anemia and parasitic blood loss made her diagnosis a bit daunting. Her recovery was slow but we trusted that she would be fine eventually.
At the end of the review, she was finally able to eat. It may have been her first proper meal since a while. At least, she was able to digest and process the food. Her state of health is still very delicate.
Veterinarians and caregivers spent the whole day with her doing everything possible for her to recover. It is not emphasized how long it will take for this little ball of fur to be completely healthy. Despite the fact that the pup is in the best hands, she continues to fight for life .
This helpless dog deserves a second chance, commend her in your prayers and do not forget to take actions that make a difference.