His name is Larry and this little boy suffered the ingratitude of his family. They decided to move and not take him with them.

Finding himself alone, this 8-year-old friend was reluctant to leave his home, so he stayed in the garden of the house as long as he could. For several months, the neighbors saw Larry lying on the ground without losing hope that his parents would come back .

Unfortunately this never happened, on the contrary, the dog was losing strength because it only fed on the generosity of neighbors, workers and good Samaritans who could pass through the place. There was no one looking out for him, so a delivery driver who knew Larry decided to act.

Dog was forgotten by his family when they moved out
Love Leo Rescue

His intention was that someone could take pity on his unfortunate situation. For this reason, the subject constantly updated the profile with images of Larry.

“Every day I saw him hungry and thirsty waiting. It breaks my heart and I wish I could help. I’m going to post pictures of him every day just the way he is, until someone with the heart and the position can give him a loving home,” the trucker wrote.

After a few weeks, the strategy paid off. Sasha Abelson, president of Love Leo Rescue, saw the case and decided to act. The woman located Larry and brought him out of his loneliness. She along with volunteer rescuers took the dog to a veterinarian in Los Angeles for medical attention.

Abandoned dog has been rescued and now is at the shelter
Love Leo Rescue

In the office, the doctor noticed that this animal had suffered more than they could have imagined. His fur was in poor condition, he had lost some patches of fur on his legs. In addition, they discovered that the animal suffered from Cushing’s.

Due to this condition, the puppy produced excessive cortisol. Faced with this diagnosis, Larry had to be admitted to a veterinary clinic for several months . After receiving the necessary care, this friend managed to recover and the foundation was ready to start an adoption campaign for him.

For one reason or another, the animal was returned. One family argued that he did not get along with dogs or children. In addition, Larry needed to consume a medication that cost around $180 per month. A sum that not everyone can cover.

Abandoned dog found out that he suffers from tumor
Love Leo Rescue

“At the time I was a little sad, and a little depressed and reactive with other dogs. So we weren’t sure if he could live with another dog safely,” Sasah Abelson said.

But a few months ago, Larry’s fortunes changed. At the end of the day, Larry found someone who did value him after a truly sad story.

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