Grace Choi is a member of the Boomers Buddies Rescue board of directors in Los Angeles. She came with some images of a sad cat with short legs.

Joey, the cat, is seen trying to conceal his face in a corner of the kennel ,where he was living at the shelter. Grace was motivated to assist Joey after learning that he was a wild cat.

Normally couldn’t possibly be an indoor cat. The rescuer recognized that the cute and fearful feline need a lot of love. Grace tried to go closer to Joey by softly patting his head, which soothed the kitty.

Despite his nervousness, he approached Grace in search of love. Joey flopped onto his side to get his tummy caressed and began purring incessantly.

Cat with disability
Grace Choi

Joey was born with a congenital defect that prevented his two front legs from properly developing. He can’t walk with them, but it doesn’t stop him from getting around. Like a kangaroo, the cat hops and wobbles.

Grace explains: “Since then, he’s become the world’s greatest hug creature. She only wants to be cuddled all day. Joey recognized she was in a secure environment and opened up to all the affection.”

Life had not been easy for the cat. When he arrived at the shelter, he had significant health issues that required quick treatment. Joey had to endure a few setbacks, but he had Grace’s whole support to help him get through.

“Joey’s mange took around three weeks to totally heal. He was also new to the sandbox, so it took him a few weeks to become used to it. It took a long time to acclimate him to a household situation,” she said.

Cat with little legs
Grace Choi

Grace wanted to provide the kitten with the best possible life and assist him in becoming an indoor cat. That wasn’t always so easy. Joey didn’t have much of a personality, scarcely moved. He spent his days begging for affection.

Fortunately Joey’s personality emerged soon after. For the first time, spotted a cat scratcher, walked over to use it, giving his front paw a well-deserved manicure.

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