A passing by citizen spotted this poor dog family in a garbage pile. The mama dog was in very bad health condition.
She could not even stand up but she did her utmost to feed her babies. The person who randomly found the puppies, drove them to a safer location and enlisted the assistance of a local rescuer.
They were given food and water while waiting for rescuers. It was heartbreaking because the poor mama was on the verge of passing away.
Later that day,they were taken to a animal shelter. They are a stray dog family, and as said before the mama was badly injured due to skin disease. Fortunately,her puppies are all healthy and do not have any serious health issues.
The mama made a full recovery and is now reunited with her babies in their safe place. They now have left behind the terrible previous life and spend happy time gathered as a family. It was heartbreaking at first, but it soon became heartwarming.
We are grateful for the help and for giving this family a second chance. Stay kind,don’t mistreat and give a hand to any dog seeking for help.