The entire city of Neuquén has turned against the owner of a dog. Without any hesitation he brutally attacked him.
He purposely caused serious injuries to the poor dog found covered in blood. The conditions of the dog were shocking. To report the attack would have been a man Luis Alberto Narambuena who received the photo from his wife.
He decided to contact the competent authorities. He could no longer wait to put an end to the dog situation. Also he took the motionless dog to a veterinarian and reported everything to the authorities. The man also disseminated the photos to share the cruelty that had taken place in their neighborhood.
The dog, after being attacked by owner, did not go far and continued to wander between the patio and the garden of its owner. Despite the terror of the man’s reaction one of the neighbors has come forward.
In fact, the images of the big black and white dog completely covered in blood have been disseminated on social media. This shocked the whole community by spreading like wildfire on the social pages.
The dog’s injuries were so bad that the little one could not even boost his performance by eating or drinking. The Caviahue Angels Four-legged Association, contributed to the veterinary expenses from the association.
They made it known that the dog is well and is under protection. The little one has undergone several operations. The cub now called León is hospitalized in another city for his protection.