The lives of fourteen puppies were destined to change after their elderly owner suddenly passed away. Unfortunately, family members could not take care of the puppies so they turned to rescue groups and animal shelters to intervene and provide them with all the help they needed.
Fourteen puppies are rescued after the sudden death of their owner.
Two rescue groups responded to the call, the Five Acres Animal Shelter and Stray Rescue of St. Louis. They approached the property after relatives reported that they did not have the means to care for the fourteen furry ones.
The only thing the rescue groups knew was that the woman had died. They were far from imagining the difficult condition in which the puppies were.
The old woman’s relatives couldn’t take care of the furry ones. All of the puppies suffered from scabies and dental disease, notably none had received medical attention in years.
Despite their appalling state, the dogs were very responsive and friendly to rescuers. It was as if they knew they had come to save them.
Being a fairly large rescue, the puppies were divided into two groups and transferred to shelters. There were too many for a single shelter to deal with at the same time.
At rescue centers they were examined and received much-needed medical attention. Some of the furry ones will need more extensive treatment and will need to be rehomed. Most puppies are adults, so their recovery process will be a bit slower.
These furry ones not only received medical attention but a lot of love from their rescuers. The rescue centers wanted to minimize the stress and opted for the recovery to be as friendly as possible. In order to achieve this, they begged for some relatives to volunteer and give them foster homes.
Fortunately, some families have offered to care for them until they find a permanent home for them. Several puppies managed to recover in a loving family environment, instead of spending their conditioned days in a shelter.
However, this is not a permanent solution as they need to find trustworthy people to open the doors of their home indefinitely.
Older puppies also have the right to enjoy the same opportunities as the younger ones. The big disadvantage is that many of the puppies are adults and most people prefer to adopt a young and healthy dog.
The shelters have a great challenge and responsibility to find them that loving family that all the furry ones need to spend the rest of their lives. Hopefully many people will understand that senior dogs deserve to enjoy the same opportunities as a young dog.
These fourteen puppies have gone through difficult times, although they had someone who loved them until the end of their lives, but did not provide them with the care they needed.
Puppies not only need love, they need to receive medical attention and good nutrition. These are puppies that faced a tough but satisfying recovery process, loving and friendly dogs that still have a lot of love to give.
These fur babies desperately need to find homes with families that understand their needs and are willing to provide them with a comfortable and happy environment in which to spend their golden years. I
- Open your heart and give dogs a new chance, even more so if they are grown and vulnerable. Do not hesitate to share this story on your social networks.