An auto pulled up at a store and the man inside went into the store. When he got back to the auto, the suspect man took a box out of the auto. He put that to the trash vessel, and got back into the auto. After this scene they drove away.

A San Diego Humane Society Officer responded to a call in San Marcos. They reported a puppy who had been in a cairn box outside the entrance of a store. A client saw the 6-7 week old Chihuahua puppy lying in the box near a trash vessel.

He advised a store hand, who also communicated the Humane Society for help. The poor puppy was cold and wet, as well as glutted and sleepy. It was egregious that this doggy was in awful condition. He demanded exigency medical attention as soon as possible.

Abandoned dog
Humane Society

The officer rushed the dog to the Humane Society’s Escondido Lot for treatment. Unfortunately her prognostic wasn’t good. Veterinarian determined that humane euthanasia would be the stylish option to end her suffering.

The San Diego Humane Society’s Humane Law Enforcement, incontinently opened an disquisition on the case.

Luckily, the owner of the puppy has come forward. The owner is now cooperating with the officers as they continue the disquisition. Since the disquisition is still ongoing, farther details can’t be bared at this time.

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